My name is William Deskin, but everybody calls me Bill. I’ve been creating objects and images in various media for the past 45 years. I’ve a degree in sculpture from the University of Oregon, and I still live in the Eugene-Springfield area, where a rich artistic and cultural environment makes it easy to be creative.
Through the 1990s, I created, showed, and sold my sculptures, photographs, and paintings at numerous galleries and events throughout Western Oregon. In 2000, I started a one-man jewelry repair business serving local retailers and online clients, eventually winding it down in 2015. Jewelry was a nice way to stay creative, but it wasn’t the medium that I really loved. So I have returned to photography, acrylic and oil painting, and sculpture in stone and steel.
Mine is an intentionally imprecise vision of the world; less about specifics and more about generalities. I enjoy observing the subtle way objects interact with each other: everyday colors, shapes, and textures can be a fascinating experience, if we allow ourselves to notice. We often get so caught up in our daily activities that we lose sight of the wonder that is the world around us. My photography is an effort to capture and share that simple fascination. I love the “found” art – those things in the world that you just happen upon that are a little piece of art all by themselves. Similarly, my sculptures and paintings are abstract and organic, highly figurative in nature, describing basic shapes and their interactions in space. My work is often about the fluid geometry of existence – how things fit together,- as well as about finding alternate means of telling stories of life.
Thanks for sharing my vision with me.
— William Deskin